So, I've tried running a domain, a sub domain and another domain on one machine. I've set up a conf file for every site:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/weba
<Directory /var/www/html/weba>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Require all granted
The same folder config can be found in apache2.conf as well (I tried experimenting with it) and it's the same config across all sites.
The issue is that after putting this DocumentRoot and disabling 000-default.conf I get 403 forbidden.
What I've tried doing so far:
- Changing owner to www-data:www-data
- Changing perms to 755/777
- Putting the directory configurations in
- apache2.conf or the website's conf putting all sites in 1 file
- all kinds of directory settings (Options Indexes FollowSymLinks, AllowOverride none/all, Require all granted, Allow from all, Order Allow,Deny)
but none would work...
EDIT: I found out that the website goes to /www/var/html/ even though the domain is set to get to /www/var/html/weba, DocumentRoot pretty much does nothing in the configurations.