I want to plot some data points (M_Coord_Plain.txt) onto a 2D contour projection (which is made by data on Contours.txt).
I have found similar answers on these posts: How to mark some points on 2D heat map in gnuplot?, Overlaying points onto a pm3d map? , but unfortunately these don't seem to work in my case.
First i set the options:
set pm3d explicit
unset surface # Switch off the surface
set view map # Set a bird eye (xy plane) view
set contour # Plot contour lines
set key outside
set cntrparam cubicspline # smooth out the lines
unset colorbox
and then i plot with the splot command:
splot 'Contours.txt' using 1:2:3 notitle with pm3d,\
'M_Coord_Plain.txt' with points nocontour using 1:2:(0) pt 7
The resulted plot is only the contour 2D projection but with no points on it and with no errors.