
I am working on an Angular 6 project. This is the error I get when I build with --prod flag, host and run. I've been sitting on this for a long time. Initially thought it was probably a problem with the firestore package and i waited. But now updated to firestore 5.0.4, the problem still exists.

[2018-06-04T06:11:47.859Z] @firebase/firestore: Firestore (5.0.4): Could not reach Cloud Firestore backend. Backend didn't respond within 10 seconds.

This typically indicates that your device does not have a healthy Internet connection at the moment. The client will operate in offline mode until it is able to successfully connect to the backend.


Imports: [


constructor(public afAuth: AngularFireAuth,
          private afs: AngularFirestore,
          private db: AngularFireDatabase) {
    this._currentUser = this.afAuth.authState
        switchMap((user: any) => {
           if (user) {
            return this.afs.collection('users').doc<User>(user.uid).valueChanges();
           } else {
             return Observable.create(null);

FYI: Authentication still works.

dependencies firebase 5.0.4 angularfire2 5.0.0-rc.10

In Github there is an opened issue github.com/firebase/firebase-js-sdk/issues/901Janco Boscan

5 Answers


You should enable Firestore in you Firebase Console. Do the following steps:

  1. Open the Firebase Console, open or create a new project.

  2. In the Database section, click the Get Started button for Cloud Firestore.

  3. Select a starting mode for your Cloud Firestore Security Rules: Test mode or Locked mode

  4. Click Enable.

Cloud Firestore and App Engine: You can't use both Cloud Firestore and Cloud Datastore in the same project, which might affect apps using App Engine. Try using Cloud Firestore with a different project. When you create a Cloud Firestore project, it also enables the API in the Cloud API Manager.


I was having problems with my Kaspersky antivirus and AdBlock Chrome plugin

Possible problems:

  • Slow internet connection
  • Antivirus/Firewall related problem (blocking)
  • AdBlocker problem (blocking too)

This might help :)

Import only AngularFirestoreModule even if you are using the other modules such as the AngularFireStorage or AngularFireDatabase.

Not sure why but I have used this approach in many projects with no problems ;)

// Angular Fire Modules in my projects using auth, firestore, realtime db, & storage


I was getting this randomly in both dev and production, this solved it for me. Set this to true: https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.firestore.Settings#optional-experimentalautodetectlongpolling

You will need at least version 7.24.0 of the JS SDK.


Here's how to do it using AngularFire: In app.module.ts (or other module that imports AngularFire).

 providers: [
    { provide: FirestoreSettingsToken, useValue: { experimentalAutoDetectLongPolling: true } }

in my case I just change the private network to public network

  • open setting windows setting
  • click network and sharing or check your network if it is private change to public may solve your problem

windows 10 network and sharing