
I have purchased an SSL certificate for my domain and have jumped through all domain verification hoops. My App Service Plan is B1 (I also tried S1).

I am following the instructions here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/web-sites-purchase-ssl-web-site#step-5---assign-certificate-to-app-service-app

When I click SSL Settings, the pane that opens looks nothing like what is shown in the instructions, and there is no option to import a certificate. Note also the instructions say "click SSL settings" but the image in the instructions shows "SSL Certificates" which does not exist in my image.

What steps do I need to take to assign my SSL cert?

enter image description here

If you are not getting the options, try refreshing the page or logout and re-login then check.AshokPeddakotla-MSFT
Refreshing my session did the trick.Robert Sim
Good to hear that your issue is resolvedAshokPeddakotla-MSFT

2 Answers


You are on the correct place, if you go down a bit, you should see those options, if not try refreshing the page

enter image description here


Per Ashok's comment, the session had to be refreshed and the options I'm looking for appeared.