The df
is splitted in the train and test dataframes. the train dataframe is splitted in training and testing dataframes. The dependent variable Y
is binary (factor) with values 0 and 1. I'm trying to predict the probability with this code (neural networks, caret package):
model_nn <- train(
Y ~ ., training,
method = "nnet",
trControl = trainControl(
method = "cv", number = 10,
verboseIter = TRUE,
model_nn_v2 <- model_nn
nnprediction <- predict(model_nn, testing, type="prob")
cmnn <-confusionMatrix(nnprediction,testing$Y)
print(cmnn) # The confusion matrix is to assess/compare the model
However, it gives me this error:
Error: At least one of the class levels is not a valid R variable name;
This will cause errors when class probabilities are generated because the
variables names will be converted to X0, X1 . Please use factor levels
that can be used as valid R variable names (see ?make.names for help).
I don't understand what means "use factor levels that can be used as valid R variable names". The dependent variable Y
is already a factor, but is not a valid R variable name?.
PS: The code works perfectly if you erase classProbs=TRUE
in trainControl()
and metric="ROC"
in train()
. However, the "ROC"
metric is my metric of comparison for the best model in my case, so I'm trying to make a model with "ROC" metric.
EDIT: Code example:
# You have to run all of this BEFORE running the model
classes <- c("a","b","b","c","c")
floats <- c(1.5,2.3,6.4,2.3,12)
dummy <- c(1,0,1,1,0)
chr <- c("1","2","2,","3","4")
Y <- c("1","0","1","1","0")
df <- cbind(classes, floats, dummy, chr, Y)
df <-
df$floats <- as.numeric(df$floats)
df$dummy <- as.numeric(df$dummy)
classes <- c("a","a","a","b","c")
floats <- c(5.5,2.6,7.3,54,2.1)
dummy <- c(0,0,0,1,1)
chr <- c("3","3","3,","2","1")
Y <- c("1","1","1","0","0")
df <- cbind(classes, floats, dummy, chr, Y)
df <-
df$floats <- as.numeric(df$floats)
df$dummy <- as.numeric(df$dummy)