I have a ".mp4" video on my web page within video tag as below.
<video class="video-content" controls="controls" poster="/poster.jpg" width="840" tabindex="-1" >
<source src="/ket.mp4" type="video/mp4"></source>
<track kind="subtitles" label="English subtitles" src="/ket.vtt" srclang="en"></track>
Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video tag.
This is working well in all the browser and devices EXCEPT IOS (safari, iPhone, iPad)
In Safari developer tools, under the "Network" tab, when I check the details for the "ket.mp4":
Under the "Preview" tab:
An error occurred trying to load the resource
Under the "Headers" tab:
Status: 200 OK
Source: Network
Range: bytes=0-1 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_4) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.1 Safari/605.1.15 Accept: / Connection: Keep-Alive Accept-Encoding: identity Referer: https://www.example.com/ket.htm X-Playback-Session-Id: 9C7F2AF7-9747-4AAD-B82D-A3D133FE4B20
Content-Type: video/mp4 Content-Length: 17142979 Date: Thu, 31 May 2018 10:55:38 GMT Last-Modified: Thu, 10 May 2018 17:32:50 GMT X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block Cache-Control: public, max-age=633
When I see the status, request, and response. I understand the server is responding to the request with the status 200. so, there should not be an issue on the server front. Because, i see the "content-length" under the "response" tab with its value as well.
when I check the forums, I see some discussion going around the "controls" attribute to set "true" or "false" or "controls". in my case I am setting controls attribute value as controls only.
Note: when I hit the ".mp4" URL directly in the browser, the video not playing and getting the same request/response in the developer tools.
Does anyone have any idea on this? how to make it this video works in Safari/iPhone/IPad. Do I need to understand this issue is on ".mp4" file itself? or Browser specific? or anything inside the "IIS Server".
Thanks in Advance