I have followed the tutorial here to deploy a .NET application to Azure Fabric Service:
All appears fine right through to the last step when I try to connect to the web application running in Service Fabric in Azure when I receive a "The site can't be reached - ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" error.
Also after a few minutes, when viewing the health state of the application in the Service Fabric blade in Azure I see it move to Error state (unfortunately it doesn't give more detail on the error and I am unable to authenticate against the Explorer, although I suspect that is a separate issue).
I followed the tutorial exactly, the only steps where it wasn't overly clear was when creating the cluster from within Visual Studio and choosing the VM image type - here I have tried with both "WindowsServerSemiAnual DataCentre-Core-1709-with-Containers" and "WindowsServer 2016-Datacenter-with-Containers".