
I want to run a script using Azure CLI command.

I am using following command to do it.

Command to execute:-

az vm extension set --resource-group rg1 --vm-name test --name CustomScript --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions --version 2.0 --protected-settings '{"fileUris": ["https://test.blob.core.windows.net/testcontainer/test.sh?st=2018-05-28T19%3A56%3A00Z&se=2018-05-30T19%3A56%3A00Z&sp=r&sv=2017-04-17&sr=b&sig=LsAmSVWmggcBYXs7XwUhdA16HfSChi6%2FvH0vqjZMS%2F1YM%3D"], "commandToExecute": "bash test.sh 1 2 3"}'

I want to use like below to pass as variables in the command and am getting the following error

SCRIPT_LOCATION="https://test.blob.core.windows.net/testcontainer/test.sh?st=2018-05-28T19%3A56%3A00Z&se=2018-05-30T19%3A56%3A00Z&sp=r&sv=2017-04-17&sr=b&sig=LsAmSVWmggcBYXs7XwUhdA16HfSChi6%2FvH0vqjZMS%2F1YM%3D" SCRIPT_NAME="test.sh" PARAM1="test1" PARAM2="test2" PARAM3="test3"

Command to execute:-

az vm extension set --resource-group rg1 --vm-name test --name CustomScript --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions --version 2.0 --protected-settings '{"fileUris": [$SCRIPT_LOCATION], "commandToExecute": "bash $SCRIPT_NAME $PARAM1 $PARAM2 $PARAM3"}'


Deployment failed. Correlation ID: 72859669-9cdf-4bb0-9aac-1a6af52c7e1c. VM has reported a failure when processing extension 'CustomScript'. Error message: "Enable failed: failed to get configuration: json validation error: invalid protected settings JSON: fileUris.0: Does not match format 'uri'".

This looks like an issue with the extension rather than the CLI. If you try this with an ARM template or in Powershell do you get the same error?Zahid Faroq
For your problem, I think you store the custom script in container of Azure Storage Account Blob. With the error, the file URI could be the wrong point. I did the test with the cli command, and the URI should be like this: teststore.blob.core.windows.net/vhds1/test.sh. So, i suggest you check the URI carefully.Charles Xu
@Charles-MSFT I have solved the issue. Refer my answer.Galet
@ZahidFaroq I have solved the issue. Refer my answerGalet

2 Answers


I am able to solve the above issue by using the following command. Following command works well.

az vm extension set --resource-group rg1 --vm-name test --name CustomScript --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions --version 2.0 --protected-settings "{\"fileUris\": [\"$SCRIPT_LOCATION\"], \"commandToExecute\": \"bash $SCRIPT_NAME $PARAM1 $PARAM2 $PARAM3\"}"

Here is a different way, that I like because it avoids the need to escape the double quotes (so JSON payload is more readable):

az vm extension set --name DSC --publisher Microsoft.Powershell --version 2.9 --vm-name DC -g $resourceGroupName \
    --settings '{"ModulesURL": "'${artifactsURI}'dsc/ConfigureDCVM.zip", "configurationFunction": "ConfigureDCVM.ps1\\ConfigureDCVM", "Properties": {"domainFQDN": "'${domainFQDN}'", "PrivateIP": ""} }' \
    --protected-settings '{"Properties": {"AdminCreds": {"UserName": "'${adminUserName}'", "Password": "'${adminPassword}'" }, "AdfsSvcCreds": {"UserName": "'${adfsSvcUserName}'", "Password": "'${serviceAccountsPassword}'" }}}'