
I am new to Google Sheets. I and am trying to make a spreadsheet where column A has a list of words and when I type an x or something in a cell in a different column (lets say column B)it automatically fills with the word contained in column A in the same row. I have tried to use =IF(CELL(not(empty... with different arguments but I really don't know what I am doing. I'm trying to read up on Google Apps Script and figure out a way to write a macro to accomplish this but again, I'm not sure if I need a macro. I would appreciate any help I can get on this.


2 Answers


The answer above is also correct, alternatively you can use the following formula:

if(B1 <> "",B1, "")

Enter the above formula into cell A1 and drag it down column A as far as it needs to be. Broken down this says, if B1 is not blank, then make A1 the same as B1, else make A1 blank.


Here is Google Script unnecessary.

Just use Formula. Here you can put to A1:


and in A1 will be the same word as in B1. If you need condition, try to A1 set:

="My magic word is: " & IF(ISBLANK(B1),"(nothing)",B1)