I'm trying to consume a custom web component built with Polymer CLI in my webapp. I went though the following steps in order to setup a first dummy custom element with polymer:
using node v8.9.1, npm v5.5.1, polymer-cli v1.7.2
- mkdir my-custom-element && cd my-custom-element
- polymer init polymer-3-element
- polymer serve
The demo app under http://localhost:8000/demo/ generated by polymer serve imports my custom element and is cross-browser compatible. Specifically it loads the custom element in IE 11 - which is a requirement in my project.
My question is: How can I bootstrap my webapp index.html to use my custom element (that may be hosted on another server) just like in the demo app. I didn't yet find documentation on this.
For Polymer Elements e.g. there is documentation under https://elements.polymer-project.org/guides/using-elements#using-elements on how to bootstrap. Unfortunately this does not work with Polymer 3.0 elements (e.g. b/c of module imports vs. html imports).