
I am getting a:

The following Docker images are incompatible with the host operating system: [microsoft/dotnet:2.0-runtime-nanoserver-1709, microsoft/dotnet:2.0-sdk-nanoserver-1709]. Update the Dockerfile to specify a different base image.

When trying to do a test build on VSTS. The same project compiles fine on my local VS2017. This is a windows based container (at least it is locally and docker is running windows)

The VSTS build implies that perhaps it's targeting a linux container but i cannot see anywhere in VSTS to specify that.

But confused where i should be look at next?


1 Answers


First, for windows based container, you can use Hosted or Hosted VS 2017 agent.

Secondly, you can’t use nanoserver base image on Hosted agent (using Microsoft/dotnet:2.0-sdk).

Related thread: Why is the “Build an image” step failing for Docker on Visual Studio Online?