
I am using gamm models in mgcv package to analyse how specific diversity measures eg. Shannon vary over time and with environmental variables eg. temperature.

I have the initial model so far to analyse time series:

modf<-gamm(y~ as.factor(year) + s(doy,bs='cc',k=kdy),method=mth,correlation=tcor,data=d,

I want to include temperature as random effect and thought of doing something like:

modf<-gamm(y~ as.factor(year) + s(doy,bs='cc',k=kdy), + s(temp,bs="re"),method=mth,

However, so far I have only seen this for gam not gamm. Does it still work this way?

An example of type of data structure:

  • $ total_abundance: num 6364161 1929775 7057036 1266342 3981198 ...
  • $ shannon : num 1.87 2.08 1.95 1.84 2.06 ...
  • $ turnover : num 0.613 0.475 0.525 0.556 0.429 ...
  • $ year : int 1985 1986 1987 1987 1987 1988 1989 1989 1991
  • $ month : int 8 12 3 7 8 5 1 8 1 9 ...
  • $ day : int 20 8 15 6 17 9 16 29 14 4 ...
  • $ temp : num 25.5 9.87 4.8 19.72 26.03 ...
  • $ doy : num 232 342 74 187 229 130 16 241 14 247 ...

where doy is 'day of year' and accounts for seasonality


Can you elaborate on what you mean by "add in temperature as random effect"? Is temp a continuous variable or something else? What is the grouping structure you have in mind? Might I suggest including some sample data in your question -- you are more likely to get a helpful answer that way.Weihuang Wong

1 Answers


What you seem to be wanting to do doesn't make any sense unless you want the linear effect of temp to vary within the levels of a grouping factor.

Typically, you specify this random slope using random as

list(group = ~ x)

where group is a factor grouping variable and x is your temp.

What you are asking for with temp = ~ 1 is a random intercept for the unique values of temp, which is probably asking too much of the data.

The equivalent of s(time, bs = "re") requires you to remove the intercept from the random formula:

 list(group = ~ x - 1)

but you still need a group variable.

If you just want to control for temp, add it as a linear parametric effect (+ temp) or a smooth effect (+ s(temp)) in the gamm() model formula.