Yesterday I created a new service fabric application, including a new Actor. When I deploy it on my local service fabric cluster, the publish has a “succeeded” status. But the problem is when I go on the Service fabric cluster, I can see that the actor is on “Error” health state. I can show you the error messages on the diagnostic events and the Server Fabric Explorer:
Service Fabric Cluster Explorer [IMAGE]
Diagnostic Events errors [IMAGE]
To show you my problem I created a simple solution with the usual actor example created by Visual Studio that should work properly. I created a .Net Core 2.0 Actor Service. Actor Service
The nuget packages used by the actor are:
Microsoft.ServiceFabric (6.2.274)
Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Actors (3.1.274)
Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data (3.1.274)
Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services (3.1.274)
My Visual Studio is on Version 15.7.2 and the Service Fabric runtime is on the latest version .
I also have another solution with actors that works with nuget packages with previous versions that can be deployed and working on service fabric correctly.
When I updated the service fabric package to the newest version, there were errors with the actors on the service fabric explorer. So I can deduce that these errors can be produced by the newest version of the service fabric nuget packages.
Best Regards,