I'm modelling a search term transition graph in a e-commerce software as a graph of nodes (terms) and edges (transitions). If a user types e.g. iphone
in the search bar and then refines the query to iphone 6s
this will be modeled as two nodes and a edge between those nodes. The same transition of terms of the different users will result in several edges between the nodes.
I'd now like to create an edge with a cumulated weight of 4 to represent that 4 users did this specific transition. How can I combine the results of a count(*)
query with a create query to produce an edge with a property weight = 4
My count(*)
query is:
MATCH (n:Term)-[r]->(n1:Term)
RETURN type(r), count(*)
I'd expect the combined query to look like this, but this kind of sql like composition seems not to be possible in cypher
MATCH (n:Term), (n1:Term)
WHERE (n)-[tr:TRANSITION]->(n1)
CREATE (n)-[actr:ACC_TRANSITION {count:
MATCH (n:Term)-[r]->(n1:Term) RETURN
RETURN n, n1
A non generic query to produce the accumulated transition that works is:
MATCH (n:Term), (n1:Term)
WHERE n.term = 'iphone' AND n1.term ='iphone 6s'
CREATE (n)-[actr:ACC_TRANSITION {count: 4}]->(n1)
RETURN n, n1
Any other ideas on how to approach and model this problem?
? Thanks! – paweloque