
I'm trying to record a video using DirectShow and I need an H.264 encoder filter. I've tried to install:


like suggested here:

how to use x264 encoder with directshow

but using the video compressor enumerator:

IEnumMoniker* EnumIterator = nullptr;
if (DeviceDenumerator->CreateClassEnumerator(CLSID_VideoCompressorCategory, &EnumIterator, 
    0) != S_OK)
    return nullptr;

this filter is listed only for 32bit applications. With an x64 application it doesn't appear.

How can I install an x64 version of that video compressor?


1 Answers


For 64-bit applications you need indeed 64-bit version of the filter (also known as x264vfw64), for which you would want to take a look at the following note at SourceForge:

Starting from 40_2491bm_40895 release builds for 64-bit Windows (x264vfw64) where merged into the one installer with builds for 32-bit Windows (x264vfw). So if you want to use the latest version of x264vfw than you should download it from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/x264vfw/files/x264vfw/

The installer referenced there is, hence, supposed to install both 32 and 64 bits versions of the encoder filter.

UPDATE. The non-availability of 64-bit version seems to be a known problem. The ticket explains that 64-bit subsystem does not have a wrapper to pick up VFW encoders and installed H.264 compression remains invisible to DirectShow.

I personally don't think that this description is accurate. Indeed, when DirectShow video encoder enumeration is requested, there is a layer that picks up older Video For Windows codecs (such as x264vfw) and exposes them via AVI Compressor Filter wrapper so that DirectShow application could take advantage of such legacy codecs.

... enables Video Compression Manager (VCM) codecs to join a filter graph. Each codec appears as a separate instance of the filter.

64-bit subsystem of 64-bit Windows still has this filter (as opposed to statement in ticket resolution). Yet there might be indeed a reason why such compatibility layer is no longer available in 64-bit DirectShow. The current state, as it seems, is that x264vfw developers are aware of the problem and do not have or plan to have a solution for it.