I have a problem with Cordova's android application based on Angular 5+. I've found that window.history.back()
and similar native JS back functions make two problems:
- when going back, a page is flashing. It seems like first, all HTML content loaded and after it CSS
- In one page on a back action, my layout is broken (screens below)
What's curious - after changing phone orientation all backs to normal.
I've found a solution - instead of using vanilla JS back functions I've created mine using Angular Router:
I've subscribe on router's events and save all routes:
this._subs.push(this._router.events.subscribe((e) => {
if (e instanceof NavigationEnd) {
And if I want back, I use navigateByUrl
back(): void {
const lastRoute = this._routingHistory[this._routingHistory.length - 2];
if (lastRoute) {
After implementing this functionality for my inApp back buttons all work fine - there is no flashing or breaking layout.
Although, after implemented this function for my physical back button, the error is the same - layout breaking or flashing. Below my implementation:
this.deviceReady = Observable.fromEvent(document, 'deviceready').publishReplay(1);
(this.deviceReady as ConnectableObservable<Event>).connect();
this.restore = Observable.fromEvent(document, 'resume').publishReplay();
(this.restore as ConnectableObservable<Event>).connect();
this.backbutton = Observable.fromEvent(document, 'backbutton').publishReplay();
(this.backbutton as ConnectableObservable<Event>).connect();
Using it:
() => {
document.addEventListener('backbutton', function (e) {
}.bind(this), false);
I'm sure that function in backbutton
is executed (I've logged some information) but the problem still occurs.
More information:
- I'm using cordova version 8.0.0
I'm using the following plugins:
https://github.com/TheMattRay/cordova-plugin-wkwebviewxhrfix.git" />
Some hints:
Once, I've built Cordova's android applications which work great (with native JS back function) but after next build, all come back. In hockeyapp I see that in good working version lowest available Android version was 4.1. In new apps, it is 4.4.
I've tried to downgrade Cordova/android engine version but without any positive results.
Additionally, I want to work with the newest libraries available.
Thanks for any help in that case.