I'm trying to POST some JSON and a binary file from an iPhone to a Django server running django-piston using ASIHTTPRequest
I know how to get it to work if I am ONLY sending JSON strings, and I know how to make it work if I am ONLY sending a file, but doing both is tricky.
So we'll start with ASIHTTPRequest code
ASIFormDataRequest *request = [[ASIFormDataRequest alloc] initWithURL:url];
[request setRequestMethod:@"POST"];
[request setPostFormat:ASIMultipartFormDataPostFormat];
[request appendPostData:[@"{\"save\":{\"name\":\"iostest\"}}" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
[request addData:UIImageJPEGRepresentation([UIImage imageNamed:@"test.jpg"], 1.0f)
[request setDelegate:self];
[request startAsynchronous];
My best idea here is that adding raw string data directly to the POST body and then adding a file just doesn't work.
But if I instead try
[request setPostValue:@"{\"name\":\"iostest\"}" forKey:@"save"];
Then the piston data dictionary will store ['save'] as a string instead of a deserialized object, so it will literally deliver the string
Here's my Piston handler code
def create(self, request):
data = request.data
print(data['save']) #{\"name\":\"iostest\"}"
print("Files: " + request.FILES['data'].name) #test.jpg
print("Data Save Name: " + data['save']['name']) #crash, interprets this as a string indeces lookup
Ideas are welcome.