Here is my problem. I have a @env tag on feature level to identify which env to run on, and @current tag on scenario level to identify its the one to be run.
Feature files are placed under different folders (depending on the env) and I have used @Cucumberoptions to set the tag specific feature file path.
All good till here.
But when I run the feature files, it picks up all the scenarios with the @current tag irrespective of the feature file tag. For E.G. I had added only @Env1 and @Env2 in the cucumber options, but it picks up @Env3 features as well and runs them. How do I stop cucumber to run feature files not mentioned in the @cucumberOptions?
Here is the ANT target code:
<java classname="cucumber.api.cli.Main" fork="true" failonerror="false" resultproperty="cucumber.exitstatus">
<sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="file:///${basedir}/log4j.conf"/>
<classpath refid="classpath"/>
<arg value="--monochrome"/>
<arg value="--format"/>
<arg value="junit:target/cucumber-junit-report/allcukes.xml"/>
<arg value="--format"/>
<arg value="pretty"/>
<arg value="--format"/>
<arg value="html:target/cucumber-html-report"/>
<arg value="--glue"/>
<arg value="src.test.cucumber.userlevel"/>
<arg value="features"/>
<arg value="--tags" />
<arg value="@current"/>
<arg value="--tags" />
<arg value="~@obsolete" />
<arg value="--tags" />
<arg value="~@business" />
Any responses would be appreciated.