I'm looking at the numerics of some matrices that depends on a parameter x
. The matrix has real eigenvalues for certain values x
, but for other values I have a degeneracy in both eigenvalues and eigenvectors (the occurrence of exceptional points).
One of the simplest examples to get an exceptional point is with the matrix:
julia> h=[1 1im; 1im -1]
2×2 Array{Complex{Int64},2}:
1+0im 0+1im
0+1im -1+0im
The eigenvalues are zero, as they should be
2-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
However, I would like to know why Julia give me the eigenvectors:
julia> b[2][:,1]
2-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
julia> b[2][:,2]
2-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
Since in this case the eigenvalue is zero, I think it doesn't really matter what is the associated eigenvector. But if the eigenvalues coalesce somewhere in the complex plane, do I really get two equal eigenvectors?
Is there an specific way to treat this cases in Julia?