At the moment, I'm working on example ZF 1.11 application that uses OpenID and openid-selector. The ZF application, called zfopenid, can be downloaded from here (it contains full ZF library and it should work out of the box):
Authentication with google, yahoo works (at least for me) at this stage. To make it work I needed to make some changes in Zend_OpenId_Consumer
described at + some additional changes. Also I incorporated My_OpenId_Extension_AttributeExchange
(i.e. AttributeExchange implementation by Chris Bisnett) to fetch email from google, yahoo (at the moment it is not displayed, but it should be in $_GET variable returned from google, yahoo, aol or myopenid to user/login).
So, if you or anyone would like to test it, I would be grateful as I'm planning to eventually write a blog post about this. Any feedback would be very helpful at this stage. Specifically, whether it really works, or it just works for me (I'm running it on localhost using XAMPP for Linux 1.7.3a and Linux Mint 10).