I am using Yarn for running Flink jobs. For each Flink job I am creating a checkpoint.
I submit a Flink job that runs in my Yarn cluster. I have a polling job which checks if a job has failed on Yarn and restarts it. When the job is submitted again Yarn creates a new application_id for this Flink job. How can I configure the re-submitted Flink job to use the checkpoint for the Flink job that was restarted.
I have set the conf
state.savepoints.dir = hdfs://localhost:9000/checkpoint/
in flink-conf.yaml`
When creating the Flink job,
streamExecutionEnvironment.setStateBackend(new FsStateBackend("hdfs://localhost:9000/checkpoint/uuid-job-1"));
When I made this setting the checkpoint is saved in path specified in conf file (hdfs://localhost:9000/checkpoint/
) and not in the path I set when creating the Flink job.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!