So I've ready alot of xsd documentation and similar questions but I've run into a problem: The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
this is the command:
xsd BulkmailAnnouncement2.xsd Components1.xsd Components2.xsd Components3.xsd Components4.xsd Fields1.xsd ManufacturingComponents1.xsd ManufacturingComponents2.xsd Meta1.xsd QualifiedDataTypes.xsd UnqualifiedDataTypes.xsd CodeLists1.xsd CodeList_UnitCode_UNECE_7_04.xsd CodeList_MIMEMediaTypeCode_IANA_7_04.xsd CodeList_LanguageCode_ISO_7_04.xsd CodeList_CurrencyCode_ISO_7_04.xsd /c
How can I create a class if xsd cannot support the includes.