
I am developing a low power application with STM32L476 (with FreeRTOS). I am using SW4STM32 and STM32CubeMx. I have gone through the Tickless idle mode example which uses sleep mode. I need more power saving, so i am planning to use STOP2 mode. Is it possible to use STOP2 mode along with FreeRTOS?

I would suggest the bare metal approach if you design the very low power application0___________
since we need higher power optimization we are thinking about bare metal approachNithin Kurian

1 Answers


You could use a low power timer if the tickless feature is enabled.

Stop 0, Stop 1 and Stop 2 modes: SRAM1, SRAM2 and all registers content areretained. All clocks in the VCOREdomain are stopped, the PLL, the MSI, the HSI16 andthe HSE are disabled. The LSI and the LSE can be kept running.

Found in the STM32L4x6 reference manual, RM0351 Rev 6, p.164

"Low Power RTOS For ARM Cortex-M MCUs" guide: https://www.freertos.org/low-power-ARM-cortex-rtos.html