
I'm looking for some in depth end-to-end CQRS examples with a reasonable set of unit tests.

Also, if anyone knows of some CQRS screencasts as well it would be extremely handy.

I'm already aware of these examples

Recently Vladimir Khorikov @vkhorikov has produced new course in Pluralsight named "Pluralsight CQRS in Practice", he is a professional guys in this field and also DDD.mehdipayervand

9 Answers


There's a implementation here MarkNijhof.

But after reading the documents from the CQRS Info site my favourite resource is Think Before Coding look at the post Tags. (http://thinkbeforecoding.com/)

Some other useful resources...


Microsoft patterns & practices is working on a guidance project called CQRS Journey. The idea is to develop a non-trivial system with multiple bounded contexts and apply CQRS, ES and other patterns & techniques where appropriate and document all lessons learnt along the way. The project is still in flight. Check out the journey progress at http://cqrsjourney.github.com

The project involves many community members and accepts contribitions!


Here is a complete example I wrote for my CQRS lib Scritchy:

Creating your CQRS app using the Scritchy nuget package is pretty straightforward and gets you up and running in a few minutes


Here's some more informational resources, but unfortunately no end-to-end code samples beyond SimpleCQRS and MarkNijhof.

I have come across a couple other code samples, though I have not yet had time to review them whatsoever:


Udi Dahan would have to be one of the experts in the CQRS field, imo.

Here is a blog about it: http://www.udidahan.com/2009/12/09/clarified-cqrs/

Here is a CQRS podcast (I haven't watched it, but if it's anything like his course presentation it will be great): http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/open-source-dot-net/udi-dahan-command-query-responsibility-segregation/rl-311

Here is a SOA talk (may not be directly relevant but excellent regardless): http://vimeo.com/5022174

If you have the time, I'd recommend popping along to one of Udi's courses when one is nearby, as he covers CQRS in depth.


I recommend this screencast by Chris Tavares. It gives a good overview of CQRS and it shows some good examples in code.

URL: http://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/MichaelLehman/PP-Symposium-2010-The-Commmand-Query-Separation-Pattern-Chris-Tavares


I've got a sample of just the BDD style of unit-tests, it isn't end-to-end, but since you mentioned unit tests I figured it might be of interest. http://lucisferre.net/2011/02/05/behavior-driven-test-driven-domain-driven-design/


There was a great session during aspConf 2012 by Ashic Mahtab.

CQRS with ASP.NET MVC - A Year On

Complete source code here