
I'm trying to build covariance matrix from a scratch (cov() function). My task is not to use any package. Hence I created my functions:

meanf <- function(x){
sum(x) / length(x)

sampleCov <- function(x,y){
  stopifnot(identical(length(x), length(y)))
  sum((x - meanf(x)) * (y - meanf(y))) / (length(x) - 1)

> sampleCov(winequality_red$quality, winequality_red$alcohol)
[1] 0.409789

Unfortunately, I'm stuck here. All loops I tried to apply are missing any point. Of course it's possible to just copy the sampleCov function and make it for every possible combination but that's not my point.

It's not clear to me what your question/problem actually is.Dason
Firstly I'd like to apply a function on one certain column and calculate it with the remaining ones: (x, y1), (x, y2), (x, y3), (x, yn+1).Tom
function, length and sum are all in the package "Base" so what are you actually allowed to use?rg255

3 Answers


If I understand you correctly then I believe you want to recreate a covariate output like the one returned by cov function.

OPs given function:

meanf <- function(x){
    sum(x) / length(x)

sampleCov <- function(x,y){
    stopifnot(identical(length(x), length(y)))
    sum((x - meanf(x)) * (y - meanf(y))) / (length(x) - 1)

You can try this way, I have taken mtcars data here:

Covariate Function:

vars <- names(mtcars)
egrid <- expand.grid(vars, vars)
egrid <- data.frame(sapply(egrid, as.character),stringsAsFactors = F)
egrid <- egrid[order(egrid$Var1, egrid$Var2),]
mat <- vector("list", nrow(egrid))

for(i in 1:nrow(egrid)){
    mat[[i]] <- sampleCov(mtcars[,egrid[i,"Var1"]], mtcars[,egrid[i,"Var2"]])

finaldat <- cbind(egrid, cov = do.call('rbind', mat))
finaldat_list <- split(finaldat,  finaldat$Var1)
mat_form <- do.call('cbind', finaldat_list)

cov_values <- mat_form[,grepl("\\.cov",names(mat_form))]
col_values <- mat_form[,paste0(egrid$Var1[1],".Var2")]

final_matrix_cov <- cbind(col_values, cov_values)

Sample Output:

> final_matrix_cov
    col_values       am.cov    carb.cov     cyl.cov    disp.cov
9          mpg   1.80393145 -5.36310484  -9.1723790  -633.09721
20         cyl  -0.46572581  1.52016129   3.1895161   199.66028
31        disp -36.56401210 79.06875000 199.6602823 15360.79983
42          hp  -8.32056452 83.03629032 101.9314516  6721.15867

You need the matrix multiplication %*%.

sampleCov <- function(x,y){
  stopifnot(identical(length(x), length(y)))
  sum((x - mean(x)) %*% (y - mean(y))) / (length(x) - 1)

> sampleCov(rnorm(10000),rnorm(10000))
[1] 0.01808466

This is probably a little more than you need, but it should answer your question, and I think it is a nice illustration of the practical application of covariances, correlations, etc.

# load the data
link <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DavZim/Efficient_Frontier/master/data/mult_assets.csv"
df <- data.table(read.csv(link))

# calculate the necessary values:
# I) expected returns for the two assets
er_x <- mean(df$x)
er_y <- mean(df$y)

# II) risk (standard deviation) as a risk measure
sd_x <- sd(df$x)
sd_y <- sd(df$y)

# III) covariance
cov_xy <- cov(df$x, df$y)

# create 1000 portfolio weights (omegas)
x_weights <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 1000)

# create a data.table that contains the weights for the two assets
two_assets <- data.table(wx = x_weights,
                         wy = 1 - x_weights)

# calculate the expected returns and standard deviations for the 1000 possible portfolios
two_assets[, ':=' (er_p = wx * er_x + wy * er_y,
                   sd_p = sqrt(wx^2 * sd_x^2 +
                               wy^2 * sd_y^2 +
                               2 * wx * (1 - wx) * cov_xy))]

# lastly plot the values
ggplot() +
  geom_point(data = two_assets, aes(x = sd_p, y = er_p, color = wx)) +
  geom_point(data = data.table(sd = c(sd_x, sd_y), mean = c(er_x, er_y)),
  aes(x = sd, y = mean), color = "red", size = 3, shape = 18) +
  # Miscellaneous Formatting
  theme_bw() + ggtitle("Possible Portfolios with Two Risky Assets") +
  xlab("Volatility") + ylab("Expected Returns") +
  scale_y_continuous(label = percent, limits = c(0, max(two_assets$er_p) * 1.2)) +
  scale_x_continuous(label = percent, limits = c(0, max(two_assets$sd_p) * 1.2)) +
  scale_color_continuous(name = expression(omega[x]), labels = percent)

See the link below for all details.
