
I have setup a Wordpress on Lightsail, and have created a static IP which I can access WP ok.

I have migrated my .co.uk domain across to Route53 from another provider and am trying to point blog.example.co.uk to my Lightsail instance.

In Lightsail I have setup a DNS record like this:

A   example.co.uk 
A   blog.example.co.uk

It then lists these DNS servers in Lightsail:


I've taken those DNS servers and set on the root of my domain in Route 53 under Domains > Registered Domains

I am not sure if that was the correct thing to do, as I will have other subdomains eventually that will point elsewhere, should the Lightsail DNS servers be added at that level? If not, what do I set them back to be?

I have also created a Route53 Hosted Zone, and have created an "A" entry that links blog.example.co.uk to, is that required?

Currently trying to achieve the same. I believe you can't set the NS entries on the root domain to the Lightsail DNS servers': the registered domain's NS entries (under Route53 > Registered Domains > Domain, upper right corner) must match the one on the hosted zone, or Lightsail's DNS servers.cintron
I'm trying to create a new NS record for my subdomain, and setting those NS entries to my Lightsail instance's, and then adding an alias record (A) that points to my static IP – but hasn't worked yet.cintron

1 Answers


As mentioned in the comments, I was facing the same challenge.

What ended up working for me was simply creating an Alias Record (A) for my subdomain, subdomain.example.com, that points to the static IP of my Lightsail instance.

I did not add Lightsail's DNS servers anywhere on Route53.

I made sure that the NS entries for my root domain – example.com – pointed to the Name servers entries on my registered domain in Route53.

You can find the name servers associated with your Route53 registered domain by going to Registered domains > mydomain.com; they're located on the upper-right corner.