I have followed the steps on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/connect-account-to-aad?view=vsts to get my VSTS instance to use Azure Active Directory. When I click "Connect" I get the error:
Account [VSTS instance name] connection to an AAD Tenant failed due to the error : Aad guest user cannot be made an owner of the account. Owner identity: (id: [id]; mid: [id]; cuid: [id])
Looking through the list of users I can see that I am logged in as a user that is present on both VSTS and AAD, and that the AAD user has a User Type = Member
Originally the user was setup as Guest, and using powershell I changed them to Member. This seemed to change the user type immediately, but I still get the error above, even after waiting approx. 36 hours so far.
Is there something else I need to do here?