
I'm using SYSPBUFF to pass through various numbers of parameters into a macro. Specifically, I am passing through a list of states. One of the states being used is Oregon or "OR" and that one state is causing me error.

I get the error "ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is required. The condition was: &ST^= ERROR: The condition in the %DO %WHILE loop, &ST^=, yielded an invalid or missing value, . The macro will stop executing.

I've used all the various quoting masks to try to resolve this issue but none of it is working.

&STATES includes the following states: AK,AZ,CA,HI,ID,NV,OR,WA

Here is my current code:

connect to oracle
(path=DW user=&USER pw=&PW);
%macro DTCNT() / parmbuff; 
%let i=1;
%let ST=%scan(&SYSPBUFF,&I);  

%do %while (&ST^=);
select *
from connection to oracle
  (SELECT adjudication_date,
          count (*) as LINE_CNT 
   from MD_r&NUM..&ST._IP_hdr_f
   group by adjudication_date
   order by adjudication_date);

      %let i=%eval(&I+1);  
      %let ST=%scan(&SYSPBUFF,&I);
%mend DTCNT;

disconnect from oracle;

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Use macro quoting if you are fine with it. Use %bquote(&states) to mask everything inside.samkart
Hi samkart, thank you for your response. I tried that and it doesn't solve the issue. I get the same error. I tried all the macro quoting masks and none of them work. I don't know if they need to be elsewhere in the program but I tried them all over and they don't help. For some reason OR gets passed through as a character for %eval. I'm not sure how to stop it from reading in as a character for the numeric function.MandyB
Have you tried %superq(syspbuff)?samkart
Hi, I did try that. I received another answer that clarified where to use it and some additional information that resolved my issue. Thanks for your time!MandyB

2 Answers


The issue here is Oregon. Its abbreviation is OR, which is also a reserved word (oops!). Remember the macro language is just text that is then parsed like normal - so when it finds &ST and translates to OR, it sees that as

%do %while (or ^= )

which causes it to get confused since it doesn't see anything to use with or.

You can use macro quoting here to cause SAS not to treat it like the boolean operator. %SUPERQ is the goto one for me, but a few of them should work.

Here's an example. I added some extra stuff to scan also to handle the parens.

%let states=AK,AZ,CA,HI,ID,NV,OR,WA;
%macro DTCNT() / parmbuff; 
%let i=1;
%put &=syspbuff.;
%let ST=%scan(&SYSPBUFF,&I,%str(%(%),));
%put &=st.;

%do %while (%superq(ST)^=);
%put &=st;
%let i=%eval(&i.+1);
%let ST=%scan(&SYSPBUFF,&I,%str(%(%),));  
%mend DTCNT;

There is a great paper on how to test for empty macro variables, Chang Chung's Is This Macro Parameter Blank.

For your simple program I find it much easier to just use %length() to test for empty macro variables.

%do %while (%length(&ST));