I'm looking for the easiest way to create a JIRA webservice client. First I tried the Jira SOAP Client example but it seems to have dependencies on libraries from the jira-rpc-plugin. I want to call the webservice from a remote server so I was looking for the JAR version of said plugin, unfortunately the download link in the plugin repository doesnt seem to work.
So I tried to build it myself. But I got kind of stuck with the maven project when imported into Netbeans, it tells me the project is malformed and gives me a ton of errors. I don't want to get into the hassle to set up maven manually so I tried another method.
I wanted to consume the WSDL as a Webservice Client in Netbeans but when I try to generate a JAX:WS style client, I run into a problem with "undefined simple or complex type soapenc:Array". Now the next step would be to download the old JAX:RPC plugin - is this really necessary?
thanks in advance