I have played around with flask-security a bit trying to make it work for me in various scenarios. I have not needed to speed up hash so I may not have a straight answer so I may only point you in the right direction.
EDIT The official flask security in github is this. The links I used below point my fork which has several alterations so if you need to fork, fork the official one
1) Flask-Security uses passlib for hashing
2) As noted in the link you have shared, Flask-Security uses bcrypt which is intentionally slow
3) Bcrypt uses work factor to determine how long you would like it to take to hash data. In passlib, the work factor is represented by int variable called rounds
4 To hash data, flask security uses below function in flask-security/utils.py
def hash_data(data):
return _hashing_context.hash(encode_string(data))
5 to verify your hashed data (eg a token) it uses this function in the same file
def verify_hash(hashed_data, compare_data):
return _hashing_context.verify(encode_string(compare_data), hashed_data)
6) The hashing_context is derived from passlib in flask-security/core.py like this in various places in the file
from passlib.context import CryptContext
def _get_hashing_context(app):
schemes = cv('HASHING_SCHEMES', app=app)
deprecated = cv('DEPRECATED_HASHING_SCHEMES', app=app)
return CryptContext(
and finally in utils.py(earlier shared like this)
_hashing_context = LocalProxy(lambda: _security.hashing_context)
The CryptContext imported from passlib and used in six above can take another argument which is rounds a figure between 4 and 31, by default, it is 12 and as per the docs increasing the round by one DOUBLES the amount of time it takes
Since CryptContext has no round value passed to it in flask security, i assume it uses the default of 12 so you can experiment with various figures to see how it goes. Something like
def _get_hashing_context(app):
schemes = cv('HASHING_SCHEMES', app=app)
deprecated = cv('DEPRECATED_HASHING_SCHEMES', app=app)
return CryptContext(
pbkdf2_sha256__default_rounds=your_rounds) #I added this line
So you will need to fork security, change your rounds to a figure that works for you and install your repo like this
pip install git+https://github.com/your_repo/flask-security
Thats quite a mouthful of info, I hope it will be somehow useful.
Let me know how it goes as I may need this in the not far future