So, I’ve been looking through the UML 2.3 Infrastructure, UML 2.3 Superstructure, MOF 2.0 and XMI 2.11 standards in search of the specification and definition of Models and Diagrams.
I am aware about models and diagrams and what they are (diagrams show a view on the model), but seeing them in an XMI file exported from Visual Paradigm and analysing it I got a bit confused.
Throughout the standards mentioned above the specification mentions diagrams and models specifically with their corresponding meanings, but I could not find where it is defined, nor, the most important part, how it comes in to the UML Metamodel.
XMI mentioned above has the following structure (heavily pruned):
<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.1" …>
<uml:Model />
<uml:Diagram />
So as I could not find definitions on Model and Diagram, I could also not find out how many Model elements are allowed/possible and what content it may have. Same for Diagrams, although I know those can be 0..*