Multiple Hosted Zones That Have the Same Name
You can create more than one hosted zone that has the same name and add different records to each hosted zone. Route 53 assigns four name servers to every hosted zone, and the name servers are different for each of them. When you update your registrar's name server records, be careful to use the Route 53 name servers for the correct hosted zoneāthe one that contains the records that you want Route 53 to use when responding to queries for your domain. Route 53 never returns values for records in other hosted zones that have the same name.
I registered a new Domain in route53, it automatically created a public hosted zone.
Then I created another public hosted zone with the exact same name- and it let me do that.
Now I'm confused, I cant find where the registered domain is pointed to a zone. Does route53 balance across those two zones? If not how do I see which zone a registered domain is pointing to and how do i change it? Is it just what NS servers are set there? If I add Name Servers from both zones to the registered domain what will route53 do? use both zones?