
I have a collection of ViewModels I want to bind to the ItemsSource property of a TabControl and be able to add/remove them dynamically, so have implemented as an Observable<TabViewModel>.

However the TabControl seems to expect types which inherit from TabItem, which is a visual control object. I don't want my ViewModels to inherit from TabItem as that means they then need to be bound to a visual implementation and also all tests need to run as STA.

How can I bind a collection of ViewModels to populate the headers and content of a tab control without depending on the TabItem object? Ie just using styles and templates I suppose based on the ViewModel type. Just like if you had a ListBox and wanted the items to render directly from viewmodel instances, with a specific template, that is easy to do by overriding the ItemTemplate property.

How do I do this with a TabControl without using TabItem?

So you want to create TabItems based on a collection ?Nawed Nabi Zada
Not sure if this is quite what you're looking for but this was a great video that I used when I started working with the TabControl.Sudsy1002
stackoverflow.com/a/5651542/1228 I just looked up this answer. Weird.user1228

1 Answers


How can I bind a collection of ViewModels to populate the headers and content of a tab control without depending on the TabItem object?

Try this:


<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Header}" />
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Content}" />

View Model:

public class TabViewModel
    public TabViewModel()
        Items = new ObservableCollection<Item>()
            new Item { Header = "a", Content = "..." },
            new Item { Header = "b", Content = "..." },
            new Item { Header = "c", Content = "..." },

    public ObservableCollection<Item> Items { get; set; }

Item is a POCO class.