I have a list of documents that belong to a partitioned collection. Instead of querying for every document from the .NET client and either do update or insert, I thought I could use a Stored Procedure to accomplish this.
What I did not initially realize is that Stored Procedures are executed in the transaction scope of a single partition key. So I am getting PartitionKey value must be supplied for this operation
The thing is that the documents (that I am trying to upsert) may belong to different partitions. How can I accomplish this in the Stored Procedure? In my case, the SP is useless unless it can operate on multiple partitions.
This is how I constructed my SP:
function upsertEcertAssignments(ecerts) {
var collection = getContext().getCollection();
var collectionLink = collection.getSelfLink();
var response = getContext().getResponse();
// Validate input
if (!ecerts) throw new Error("The ecerts is null or undefined");
if (ecerts.length == 0) throw new Error("The ecerts list size is 0");
// Recursively call the 'process' function
processEcerts(ecerts, 0);
function processEcerts(ecerts, index) {
if (index >= ecerts.length) {
var query = {query: "SELECT * FROM DigitalEcerts c WHERE c.code = @code AND c.collectionType = @type", parameters: [{name: "@code", value: ecerts[index].code}, {name: "@type", value: 0}]};
var isQueryAccepted = collection.queryDocuments(collectionLink, query, {partitionKey: ecerts[index].code}, function(err, foundDocuments, foundOptions) {
if (err) throw err;
if (foundDocuments.length > 0) {
var existingEcert = foundDocuments[0];
ecerts[index].id = existingEcert.id;
var isAccepted = __.replaceDocument(existingEcert._self, ecerts[index], function(err, updatedEcert, replacedOptions) {
if (err) throw err;
processEcerts(ecerts, index + 1);
if (!isAccepted) {
} else {
var isAccepted = __.createDocument(__.getSelfLink(), ecerts[index], function(err, insertedEcert, insertedOptions) {
if (err) throw err;
processEcerts(ecerts, index + 1);
if (!isAccepted) {
if (!isQueryAccepted)
From .NET, if I call it like this, I get the partitionKey value problem:
var continuationIndex = await _docDbClient.ExecuteStoredProcedureAsync<int>(UriFactory.CreateStoredProcedureUri(_docDbDatabaseName, _docDbDigitalEcertsCollectionName, "UpsertDigitalMembershipEcertAssignments"), digitalEcerts);
If I call it with a partition key, it works...but it is useless:
var continuationIndex = await _docDbClient.ExecuteStoredProcedureAsync<int>(UriFactory.CreateStoredProcedureUri(_docDbDatabaseName, _docDbDigitalEcertsCollectionName, "UpsertDigitalMembershipEcertAssignments"), new RequestOptions { PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(digitalEcerts[0].Code) }, digitalEcerts.Take(1).ToList());
I appreciate any pointer.
to do upsert! Unless I am totally wrong, theid
is how Cosmos knows that the document is the same. The documents that I have are not pulled from Cosmos DB....but they have the same properties. So I end up querying for each doc using the PK and type. If the document exists, I use the id to upsert. This is taking along time especially that I have about 100 docs to partially update.. – Khaled Hikmatid
is unknown. If I doupsert
, it will always insert the document because theid
does not match any existing document ...right? Unless I query first usingcode
, there is no way I know to update or insert. This is my problem. I was hoping that I can do the query and either replace or insert on the server using SP to avoid round trips. – Khaled Hikmatid
? If yes then why don't you make theid
to be a combination ofcode
? – Nick Chapsas