I have a process that listens to an UDP multi-cast broadcast and reads in the data as a unsigned char*.
I have a specification that indicates fields within this unsigned char*.
Fields are defined in the specification with a type and size.
Types are: uInt32, uInt64, unsigned int, and single byte string.
For the single byte string I can merely access the offset of the field in the unsigned char* and cast to a char, such as:
char character = (char)(data[1]);
Single byte uint32 i've been doing the following, which also seems to work:
uint32_t integer = (uint32_t)(data[20]);
However, for multiple byte conversions I seem to be stuck.
How would I convert several bytes in a row (substring of data
) to its corresponding datatype?
Also, is it safe to wrap data in a string (for use of substring functionality)? I am worried about losing information, since I'd have to cast unsigned char* to char*, like:
std::string wrapper((char*)(data),length); //Is this safe?
I tried something like this:
std::string wrapper((char*)(data),length); //Is this safe?
uint32_t integer = (uint32_t)(wrapper.substr(20,4).c_str()); //4 byte int
But it doesn't work.
I've tried the suggest bit shift:
void function(const unsigned char* data, size_t data_len)
//From specifiction: Field type: uInt32 Byte Length: 4
//All integer fields are big endian.
uint32_t integer = (data[0] << 24) | (data[1] << 16) | (data[2] << 8) | (data[3]);
This sadly gives me garbage (same number for every call --from a callback).
you may find your data is easier to manipulate asstd::vector<unsigned char>
... alternately if you want to wrap in a stringstd::basic_string<unsigned char>
would probably be preferable. – AJG85