I wrote a VBA Class Module to create a Outlook Mailitem from my Excel Workbook and monitor the MailItem_Send Event to run a macro in my Workbook after the Mailitem has been sent.
The Class Module looks like this:
Option Explicit
Public MailSubject As String
Public MailRecipient As String
Public MailBody As String
Public WithEvents mOutlook As Outlook.Application
Public WithEvents mMailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mOutlook = New Outlook.Application
MsgBox "mMailItem Class-object has been initialized"
End Sub
Public Sub CreateAndDisplayMailItem()
Set mMailItem = Outlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With mMailItem
.To = MailRecipient
.Subject = MailSubject
.Body = MailBody
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set mMailItem = Nothing
MsgBox "mMailItem Class-object has ben terminated"
End Sub
Private Sub mOutlook_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
MsgBox "mOutlook Item Send Event has ben triggered"
'Call MyMacro
End Sub
After I create a Outlook Mailitem out of my Excel Workbook using the above shown Class-Module, the Outlook Send-A-Mail window opens correctly.
If I stay in the Send-A-Mail window (without changing to any other window) until the mail is sent; my ItemSend Event triggers correctly.
The Problem is:
- If I go back to my Excel Workbook (so I change the window from my displayed MailItem back to my Workbook), the class-object is terminated before my MailItem is sent.
The Class_Terminate Event from my MailItem should fire after the MailItem is sent! Not before.
The Class is used here:
Sub Mail_Test()
Dim myMailItem As clsMailItem
Set myMailItem = New clsMailItem
myMailItem.MailSubject = "Test überschrift"
myMailItem.MailBody = "Test Body"
myMailItem.MailRecipient = "[email protected]"
End Sub
Dim myMailItem As clsMailItem
must be outside theSub
. Then it is in global scope and not inSub
's scope. If it is inSub
's scope, it will be terminated if theSub
ends. – Axel Richter