
We are trying to port our build on VSTS hosted agent. We have bunch of DLLs pushed through git lfs to remote. These DLLs work fine on local machine. But when I tried to run build on VSTS hosted agent, one of the DLL got warning MSB3246

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(1820,5): Warning MSB3246: Resolved file has a bad image, no metadata, or is otherwise inaccessible. Could not load file or assembly 'FooBar.dll' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format

There are 2 DLLs in our git lfs. I don't see other DLLs success/failure message in log so not sure whether it is working fine or it might also have same issue(this DLL might be breeaking things first).

Obviously, I got errors refering to code from this DLL.

Error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Foo' does not exist in the namespace 'Bar' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

I found similar issue on https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/f2d8d30f-62b0-476f-a28e-17e372b6c557/issues-with-build-on-hosted-build-controller?forum=TFService but we already have our gitattributes file set correctly.

What might be going wrong here? Have anyone solved this already?

Did you enable git-lfs support for the build definition's Get Sources step?jessehouwing
Thanks, it build fine doing so :) I should have looked at all options more carefully. Thanks for pointing this.k2516
For reference of future visitors, can you please answer this? I will accept your answerk2516

1 Answers


In the Get Sources step there is a specific checkbox to enable git-lfs support. Without it the file will be replaced with a placeholder to the lfs download location. Of course you can't compile against those.