Since I need to delete lots of item from dynamoDB, I write forEach and call delete item function inside like below, but it would hit the capacity limit(it means I need to slow down to send the query/delete request) of my dynamoDB, and i want to let it delay some seconds between each call.
arrayOfitems.forEach( item => {
return docClient.delete(params).promise();
I tried to use npm delay as below, but it would execute after 2 seconds, then still execute all the delete(foreach loop) instead of wait 2 seconds and call the delete every time.
arrayOfitems.forEach( item => {
.then(() => {
return docClient.delete(params).promise();
I heard some people suggest to use Promise.Map or P.Map, but after I google it, I saw the example as below, and I'm not sure if this is fit in my case. As I don't use Promise.all or have array of promise, I don't really know how to use this in my case. Could anyone has better idea to solve this problem?
const pMap = require('p-map');
const got = require('got');
const sites = [
getWebsiteFromUsername('sindresorhus'), //=> Promise
const mapper = el => got.head(el).then(res => res.requestUrl);
pMap(sites, mapper, {concurrency: 2000}).then(result => {
//=> ['', '', '', '']