
I was trying to use the "includes" method for an array in Google Apps Script but it fails with "Cannot find function includes in object 1,4,3,7. (line 4, file "test_array"). Here is the code:

    function test_array() {
    var array1 = [1,4,3,7];
    Logger.log(Array.isArray(array1)); // returns true
    var proof = array1.includes("A"); 
     // proof fails with "Cannot find function includes in object 1,4,3,7. 
     // (line 4, file "test_array")

In the logs I see that the Logger.log() returns true. I worked around this with:

function test_array() {
  var array1 = [1,4,3,7];
  Logger.log(Array.isArray(array1)); // returns true
  var proof = array1.indexOf("A"); // Works fine

But I still want to know why the includes method fails on a variable the compiler says is an array. Could it be that it is considering it to be an array of arrays, i.e. an object?


what does includes return, if it fails?Nina Scholz
Array.prototype.includes is fairly recent, the version of js is probably older.Jared Smith
Unfortunately, this cannot be used at GAS in the current stage. Because includes() has been added to ECMAScript 2015.Tanaike
Hi Nina, it returns true if element is found or false if it is not.Ricardo Coto Oviedo
I'm facing the same problem. Use indexOf instead.Peter Zhao

1 Answers


It was/is not supported in runtime. With upgrade to , Array.includes is supported and should be preferred instead of Array.indexOf in all cases.