I am reading document from collection and storing 2 different variables. But whenever I remove any key from the JSON it affects first variables result.
I want to keep both of them independent so that change of one will not reflect other.
var query = 'SELECT * FROM c where c.id = "XYZ"
var accept = collection.queryDocuments(collection.getSelfLink(), filterQuery,
function (err, documents, responseOptions)
if (err) throw new Error("Error" + err.message);
if (documents.length != 1)
throw "Document Not Exist";
var doc1 = new Object;
var doc2 = new Object;
doc1 = documents[0];
doc2 = documents[0];
var i = doc1.abc[0].pqr;
for(x = 0; x < doc1.abc[0].pqr.length; x++)
delete doc1.abc[0].pqr[x];
Here console.log(doc2) also not showing the deleted elements which I want.