
I am using the FooEvents plugin to capture event attendee information on WooCommerce event products. When an order is placed, that plugin is saving the attendee information to the WooCommerce order meta as a custom field Array.

Using the Post Meta Inspector plugin, I am able to see that the attendee information is being saved as a meta key of WooCommerceEventsOrderTickets and with a value of:

'a:1:{i:1;a:1:{i:1;a:18:{s:26:"WooCommerceEventsProductID";i:454;s:24:"WooCommerceEventsOrderID";i:4609;s:27:"WooCommerceEventsTicketType";s:0:"";s:23:"WooCommerceEventsStatus";s:6:"Unpaid";s:27:"WooCommerceEventsCustomerID";s:2:"64";s:29:"WooCommerceEventsAttendeeName";s:13:"AttendeeFirst";s:33:"WooCommerceEventsAttendeeLastName";s:12:"AttendeeLast";s:30:"WooCommerceEventsAttendeeEmail";s:19:"[email protected]";s:34:"WooCommerceEventsAttendeeTelephone";s:12:"607-123-4567";s:32:"WooCommerceEventsAttendeeCompany";s:0:"";s:36:"WooCommerceEventsAttendeeDesignation";s:0:"";s:27:"WooCommerceEventsVariations";a:1:{s:33:"attribute_pa_registration-options";s:14:"nassgap-member";}s:28:"WooCommerceEventsVariationID";i:4078;s:22:"WooCommerceEventsPrice";s:118:"<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">$</span>675.00</span>";s:35:"WooCommerceEventsPurchaserFirstName";s:3:"Jon";s:34:"WooCommerceEventsPurchaserLastName";s:6:"Fuller";s:31:"WooCommerceEventsPurchaserEmail";s:19:"[email protected]";s:37:"WooCommerceEventsCustomAttendeeFields";a:6:{s:24:"fooevents_custom_address";s:15:"123 Attendee St";s:21:"fooevents_custom_city";s:13:"Attendee City";s:31:"fooevents_custom_state/province";s:6:"Nevada";s:28:"fooevents_custom_postal_code";s:5:"13813";s:29:"fooevents_custom_organization";s:12:"Attendee LLC";s:22:"fooevents_custom_title";s:14:"Attendee Title";}}}}'

I am looking to grab the values within the array, to use that information — to be able to display certain field values within:

  • WooCommerce order emails
  • in the backend Orders table screen (as a new column)
  • within the "Order details" when viewing/editing the order, so that the data is more easily visible (e.g., below the Billing or Shipping details)

I would like to be able to grab certain meta values from the array, such as WooCommerceEventsAttendeeName, WooCommerceEventsAttendeeLastName, fooevents_custom_state/province, fooevents_custom_address, fooevents_custom_title, etc.

This PHP snippet will add a field to the Order Emails, but how to I edit this to that I can get it to display some of the meta from within that array?

 * Add a custom field (in an order) to the emails
add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_order_meta_fields', 'custom_woocommerce_email_order_meta_fields', 10, 3 );

function custom_woocommerce_email_order_meta_fields( $fields, $sent_to_admin, $order ) {
    $fields['meta_key'] = array(
        'label' => __( 'Label' ),
        'value' => get_post_meta( $order->id, 'meta_key', true ),
    return $fields;


I have echoed a the meta value of that key, for a particular WooCommerce order by using

echo '<pre>'; print_r( get_post_meta( '4609', 'WooCommerceEventsOrderTickets', true ) ); echo '</pre>';

This is what shows:

    [1] => Array
            [1] => Array
                    [WooCommerceEventsProductID] => 454
                    [WooCommerceEventsOrderID] => 4609
                    [WooCommerceEventsTicketType] => 
                    [WooCommerceEventsStatus] => Unpaid
                    [WooCommerceEventsCustomerID] => 64
                    [WooCommerceEventsAttendeeName] => AttendeeFirst
                    [WooCommerceEventsAttendeeLastName] => AttendeeLast
                    [WooCommerceEventsAttendeeEmail] => [email protected]
                    [WooCommerceEventsAttendeeTelephone] => 607-123-4567
                    [WooCommerceEventsAttendeeCompany] => 
                    [WooCommerceEventsAttendeeDesignation] => 
                    [WooCommerceEventsVariations] => Array
                            [attribute_pa_registration-options] => nassgap-member

                    [WooCommerceEventsVariationID] => 4078
                    [WooCommerceEventsPrice] => $675.00
                    [WooCommerceEventsPurchaserFirstName] => Jon
                    [WooCommerceEventsPurchaserLastName] => Fuller
                    [WooCommerceEventsPurchaserEmail] => [email protected]
                    [WooCommerceEventsCustomAttendeeFields] => Array
                            [fooevents_custom_address] => 123 Attendee St
                            [fooevents_custom_city] => Attendee City
                            [fooevents_custom_state/province] => Nevada
                            [fooevents_custom_postal_code] => 13813
                            [fooevents_custom_organization] => Attendee LLC
                            [fooevents_custom_title] => Attendee Title



@LoicTheAztec is there a way to unserialize it? It looks like this data is also stored in its own post type of event_magic_tickets which also includes a reference to the original order number: freshysites.d.pr/w1rUI0 It's being stored in the wp_postmeta db table: freshysites.d.pr/i2JOuMGarconis
Within the wp_postmeta table, there is also the actual array as previously pasted here. The meta_key is WooCommerceEventsOrderTickets and the meta_value changes for each post (Order). One example is pasted in the question above. Here is a screenshot: freshysites.d.pr/YWSB5R Those post IDs are the WooCommerce orders.Garconis
print_ didn't work, but print_r did, if that's what you meant. I've updated the question above with the output of the array.Garconis
sorry it was print_r instead of print_ … So this will be much more useful now. thanksLoicTheAztec

2 Answers


Try something like the following (as I can't really test it, you may should arrange it):

add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_order_meta_fields', 'custom_woocommerce_email_order_meta_fields', 10, 3 );
function custom_woocommerce_email_order_meta_fields( $fields, $sent_to_admin, $order ) {
    $event = get_post_meta( $order->get_id(), 'WooCommerceEventsOrderTickets', true );

    if( ! is_array($event) ) return $fields;

    $event = isset($event[1][1]) ? $event[1][1] : '';

    if( sizeof($event) == 0 ) return $fields;

    $custom = isset($event['WooCommerceEventsCustomAttendeeFields']) ? $event['WooCommerceEventsCustomAttendeeFields'] : '';

    // Set our array of needed data
    $fields_array = [
        __('First name')    => isset($event['WooCommerceEventsAttendeeName']) ? $event['WooCommerceEventsAttendeeName'] : '',
        __('Last name')     => isset($event['WooCommerceEventsAttendeeLastName']) ? $event['WooCommerceEventsAttendeeLastName'] : '',
        __('Title')         => isset($custom['fooevents_custom_title']) ? $custom['fooevents_custom_title'] : '',
        __('Organization')  => isset($custom['fooevents_custom_organization']) ? $custom['fooevents_custom_organization'] : '',
        __('Address')       => isset($custom['fooevents_custom_address']) ? $custom['fooevents_custom_address'] : '',
        __('City')          => isset($custom['fooevents_custom_city']) ? $custom['fooevents_custom_city'] : '',
        __('Postcode')      => isset($custom['fooevents_custom_postal_code']) ? $custom['fooevents_custom_postal_code'] : '',
        __('State')         => isset($custom['fooevents_custom_state/province']) ? $custom['fooevents_custom_state/province'] : '',

    // Loop though the data array to set the fields
    foreach( $fields_array as $label => $value ){
        if( ! empty($value) ){
            $fields[] = array(
                'label' => $label,
                'value' => $value,

    return $fields;

Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or active theme). It should work.

You will get something like:

enter image description here


The meta data you've posted appears to be a serialized array. It seems you should simply be able to unserialize it and then loop through the array to retrieve your desired values.

$meta = get_post_meta( $order->id, 'meta_key', true );
$unserialized = unserialize($meta);
foreach ($unserialized as $key => $value) {
   // Isolate values