
I would like to send a HTTPS JSON POST request to AWS SQS, rather than url-encoded. I would like for the whole request, including the Action, the Attributes, the MessageBody, etc. to be within one JSON object.

I am currently trying to do so in Postman. When I do so with a url-encoded body that looks like:


I get:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SendMessageResponse xmlns="http://queue.amazonaws.com/doc/2012-11-05/">

When I do so with a JSON body that looks like:


I get:

  <Message>Unable to determine service/operation name to be authorized</Message>

If I change this to:


It works again, but I want to send the whole message as one JSON object.

I have been unable to find out whether or not using a JSON request body is actually legal. Their examples use url-encoded. Is sending a JSON request body legal for AWS SQS? Can you provide me an example?



1 Answers


Sending JSON in encoded URL is not illegal. Its determined by Content-Type Header. Refer URL-Encoded vs JSON