I have a barplot and I want to combine text and mathematical symbol in the label of the y axis. The title is too long so I want to separate it into two lines.
The full text would be something like "A lot of text, more text, mathematical expression". So I used mtext to separate into two different lines.
The first line I could do it without any trouble I use mtext as follows mtext(side = 2, text = "A lot of text", line = 4)
But in the second line, I cannot concatenate the mathematical expression after more text. I tried things like this: mtext(side = 2, text = "more text",expression(DeltaDeltac[T]), line = 3)
and mtext(side = 2, text = "more text"~expression(DeltaDeltac[T]), line = 3)
and of course, didn't work. Somebody asked a similar question, but he didn't have two lines and his mathematical expression was at the beginning of the axis title.
Concatenate strings and expressions in a plot's title
I wonder if there is a way to put the expression between two texts.
Thank you all