I'm creating a component that updates props with values from local storage. The props are objects with multiple boolean properties (e.g. this.globalStates.repeat = false). Because I have more than one prop to update, I've created a method for any prop provided as an argument:
this.loadLocalData(this.globalStates, "states")
this.loadLocalData(this.globalSettings, "settings")
methods: {
loadLocalData(object, localVariable){ // 'object' receives a prop, 'localVariable' must refer to a string in localStorage (localStorage stores strings only).
const loadedObject = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localVariable)) // Turn localStorage string into JSON object
if (loadedObject && typeof loadedObject === "object"){
for (let item in object){ // iterate through the prop and update each property with the one in loadedObject
object[item] = loadedObject[item] // Why does this work!?
Now this actually works, without errors or warnings. I don't understand why though. Normally when I try to modify a prop directly, Vue throws a warning at me:
[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders.
Instead of object[item] = loadedObject[item]
I tried the following, but that actually failed:
const u = 'update:' + object + '.' + item
this.$emit(u, loadedObject[item] )
What would be the correct way to do this?
), modify it and emit event to parent. But why don't you putloadLocalData
method in parent component? – ittus.sync
.'update:' + object + '.' + item
is wrong, You are concat string with object. And I think .sync don't support nested object update. – Morty Choi