I have a Swift function that performs a batchGetItem in AWS DynamoDB. The output is being returned in a JSON format, however I am having difficulty parsing it. Below is the code that I am trying to use to parse the data, as well as what the JSON output looks like. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
func batchGetItem () {
let DynamoDB = AWSDynamoDB.default()
var keys = [Any]()
let idNumbers = Array
let n = 0
for i in 0...n {
let value = AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue()
value?.n = String(idNumbers[i])
keys.append(["numID": value])
let keysAndAttributesMap = AWSDynamoDBKeysAndAttributes()
keysAndAttributesMap?.keys = keys as? [[String : AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue]]
keysAndAttributesMap?.consistentRead = true
let tableMap = ["tableName" : keysAndAttributesMap]
let request = AWSDynamoDBBatchGetItemInput()
request?.requestItems = tableMap as? [String : AWSDynamoDBKeysAndAttributes]
request?.returnConsumedCapacity = AWSDynamoDBReturnConsumedCapacity.total
DynamoDB.batchGetItem(request!) { (output, error) in
if output != nil {
print("Batch Query output?.responses?.count:", output!.responses!)
do {
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: output, options: .allowFragments) as! [String:Any]
let posts = json["posts"] as? [[String: Any]] ?? []
} catch let error as NSError {
if error != nil {
print("Batch Query error:", error!)
Xcode Error Message
Ambiguous reference to member 'jsonObject(with:options:)'
JSON Output
"hashKey": < AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue: 0x1c00b3e60 > {
N = 1;
"foo": < AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue: 0x1c40b4b20 > {
S = dog;
"numID": < AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue: 0x1c00b3e00 > {
N = 1;
"name": < AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue: 0x1c80b55a0 > {
S = "John Doe";
"link": < AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue: 0x1c40b4b80 > {
S = "http://";
"idNum": < AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue: 0x1c80b5660 > {
N = 67343;