I'm writing a fixpoint that requires an integer to be incremented "towards" zero at every iteration. This is too complicated for Coq to recognize as a decreasing argument automatically and I'm trying prove that my fixpoint will terminate.
I have been copying (what I believe is) an example of a well-foundedness proof for a step function on Z from the standard library. (Here)
Require Import ZArith.Zwf.
Section wf_proof_wf_inc.
Variable c : Z.
Let Z_increment (z:Z) := (z + ((Z.sgn c) * (-1)))%Z.
Lemma Zwf_wf_inc : well_founded (Zwf c).
unfold well_founded.
intros a.
End wf_proof_wf_inc.
which creates the following context:
c : Z
wf_inc := fun z : Z => (z + Z.sgn c * -1)%Z : Z -> Z
a : Z
Acc (Zwf c) a
My question is what does this goal actually mean?
I thought that the goal I'd have to prove for this would at least involve the step function that I want to show has the "well founded" property, "Z_increment".
The most useful explanation I have looked at is this but I've never worked with the list type that it uses and it doesn't explain what is meant by terms like "accessible".