The last image (Debian 10.3 buster) of debian for the BeagleBone give us the next pin mapping for the pwm outputs:
P8.13 corresponds to folder: /sys/class/pwm/pwm-6:1
P8.19 corresponds to folder: /sys/class/pwm/pwm-6:0
P9.14 corresponds to folder: /sys/class/pwm/pwm-3:0
P9.16 corresponds to folder: /sys/class/pwm/pwm-3:1
P9.21 corresponds to folder: /sys/class/pwm/pwm-1:1
P9.22 corresponds to folder: /sys/class/pwm/pwm-1:0
The default period for P8.13, P8:19, P9.14, and P9.16 is 500000. On the other hand, the default period for P9.21 and P9.22 is 20000.
The key to work with the PWM is the next instruction, which is mentioned in the link posted in the last post about the pin mapping for the PWM interfaces:
config-pin P8.13 pwm
config-pin P8.19 pwm
config-pin P9.14 pwm
config-pin P9.16 pwm
config-pin P9.21 pwm
config-pin P9.22 pwm
After doing that, make this for all desired PWM outputs:
debian@beaglebone:~$ cd /sys/class/pwm/pwm-6:1
debian@beaglebone:~$ echo 250000 > duty_cycle
debian@beaglebone:~$ echo 1 > enable