
Could you help me with the problem below?

How can I disable the Aero Shake but window docking should work with using WinApi?

I know that these can off by winApi method SystemParametersInfo and SPI_SETWINARRANGING, but it disabled Aero Shake and window docking.

The Aero Shake I can off in manual mode by Regedit or Local group Policy Editor and after that window docking will work.

I cannot find a solution how do it by WinApi.

Do somebody know a way for this?

It is a feature of the shell, it does not involve your program at all. So no, only disabling it system-wide is possible. Making it specific to your app's windows requires a sledge-hammer, you have to make the window borderless. Also disables aero snap so you've got lots of ugly code to write.Hans Passant
I was inaccurate. I'd like to disable it for all system when my app is running. As I have wrote early, I can do it by WinApi with SPI.SPI_SETWINARRANGING msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/… public static extern bool SystemParametersInfo(SPI uiAction, uint uiParam, ref bool pvParam, SPIF fWinIni); But I'd like to disable Shake effect only and docking window docking will work. It is possyble do by manual mode and I have hope that this aslo can do from code by WinApi.Evgeniy Kozlov