I have every unique value under the market column saved to a variable, which is saved as options to a drop down menu. And when a viewer selects a market in the shiny, s/he will see the data filtered to the market chosen. I am trying to incorporate a blank option into my dplyr expression to allow a viewer see the entire dataset without any filter by market. The way I built my shiny app, however, it seems that I need to select a market for it to work properly.
I am curious if there is an easier way to add a blank option so if a viewer did not want to filter by market at all, it would show the entire df?
The code below shows what I have so far.
market_choices <- c("north","south","east","west")
selectInput(inputId = "mkt",
label = "Select Market",
choices = market_choices,
selected = "east"))
test <- reactive({df %>% filter(Market == input$mkt)})