Facebook video upload error: i'm using the combination of the old and the new API/SDK from the link https://github.com/zoul/facebook-ios-sdk/commit/efb4b44fad333f8daa70a517bb5328b9352320df and i m getting session id properly in the video Upload class
- (void) startUploadWithURL: (NSURL*) movieURL params: (NSDictionary*) userParams delegate: (id ) delegate { apiKey = @"5c009deec3b253bef6fe6cdd97e86b3f"; appSecret = @"218421681dfb46043bed3dd25a03bbce"; if ([self sessionID] == nil) { NSLog(@"Unable to retrieve session key from the access token."); return; } printf(" \n\n session id == %s",[[self sessionID] UTF8String]); NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:userParams]; [params setObject:@"1.0" forKey:@"v"]; [params setObject:@"facebook.video.upload" forKey:@"method"]; [params setObject:[self sessionID] forKey:@"session_key"]; [params setObject:apiKey forKey:@"api_key"]; [params setObject:[self signatureForParams:params] forKey:@"sig"]; [params setObject:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:movieURL] forKey:[movieURL lastPathComponent]]; [[FBRequest getRequestWithParams:params httpMethod:@"POST" delegate:delegate requestURL:kAPIURL] connect]; }
its returning the wrong result and not uploading video to the Facebook